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Reformed Bible College & Seminary is tax-exempt organization
supported by free-will offerings from all who love the cause of
Christ and desire to be actively involved in assisting the school
to achieve its goals for the students.
The school is completely dependent on free-will offerings.
We will give you a receipt for what
you donate to be tax exempt. All gifts will be Tax Deductible.
< 학교 발전을 위한 기도와 기부금을 기다립니다.
수취인을 RBCS 로 수표를 보내실 수 있습니다. >
우편주소: Reformed Bible College & Seminary
P.O. BOX 252 Artesia CA, 90702 USA
TEL 1-213-265-8670 / 1-562-924-3330
Direct Deposit : BANK OF AMERICA
예금주: Reformed Bible College & Seminary
Acct # 3251-7376-XXXX (12단위-마지막 네 자리는보안상 개인에게 직접 알려드립니다)
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